Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between archiving and removing a patient?

Archiving patients

  • Allows you to retain the patient's account and information.
  • Enables you to view past results.
  • Gives you the option to unarchive the patient at a later date.

Removing patients:

  • Disables your access to the patient’s profile and results.
  • Cannot re-activate access to the patient's account without contacting Greenspace support.

How do I stop all assessments from being sent to a patient?

  1. Remove assessments individually via the Patient List
  2. Remove assessments via the Manage tab
  3. Archive the patient

What if a patient requests to have their account deleted?

To remove data permanently, the patient must contact Support. Before deleting the patient's record, Greenspace will contact the patient's therapist to ensure the therapist has retained a record of all necessary information to ensure that the therapist can uphold his or her obligations according to their regulatory college.

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